Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Politics: A matter of opinion

St Vincent and the Grenadines politics takes place in the framework of a parliamentary democracy. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is an independent Commonwealth realm, with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state, represented by a Governor General, who acts on the advice of the prime minister and the cabinet. There are currently four parties that will be taking part in the next election of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The political environment in SVG suggests that this country is divided up in two, categorizing supporters as Unity Labor Party (ULP)  and the New Democratic Party (NDP) everyone supporting their party’s culture — good or bad, without thinking of the consequences.
In supporting a party one should assess both party pros and cons and not only choose based on who the crowd is following and follow blindly. The party should be chosen based on the policies and goals of the party and for the better development of SVG.

The questions now are:
  • do we vote for the party we can get something from?
  • or the party that has the nation's best interest at heart?
  • do we choose because we like what this leader says?
  • or do we really assess and see if it can actually be done?

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post!

    My opinion is that we are already blinded by the tricks and false promises of our current politicians. Vincentians need to awake from their dreams and face reality.

